And here we are. In a time unlike anything we’ve ever known. Many of us are now at home, watching the unfolding of a silent global wildfire. A Pandemic. These are no small times, my friends.

Yesterday I found myself in a sense of overwhelm. My sweet & steady brother said to me, “Sis, try not the carry the whole weight of the world on your shoulders right now. It’s too much.” I needed to hear that, and perhaps, you do too.

Know this : You don’t have to be everything for everybody right now. You don’t have to understand why this is all happening. You don’t have to be perfect. Right now… slow down, breath deeply, be grateful, reconnect with nature and each other, listen to the birds & the sky. Ask how you can be of service. Do your best. And most of all, take care, be well, and tell those you love that you love them.

I live on the Central Coast of California. My county went into lockdown on Thursday afternoon, and the State of California, as a whole, followed shortly thereafter. We are being asked to do something that is both so simple and so extraordinary, to protect each other, and particularly, to protect our health care workers….


This will be harder on some of us than others. Check on your neighbors. Check on the elderly. Check on the more vulnerable among us.

Some people will still be going to work, to literally keep us safe and alive. Reach out to them - to those who work in essential services - like food & farming, health care, utilities, public safety - thank them - ask them how you can support them during this time.

And for the rest of us, for most of us… for the sake of everyone around you, everyone you know and love, STAY AT HOME.

I’ve been studying this virus like it’s my job. And honestly, since I’m a self-employed event photographer, and all my upcoming gigs have now been cancelled, I guess it kind of *is* my job. It feels important to read & share accurate, helpful information at this time, so that is what I will continue to do.

Realistically, half of us will get this thing eventually, most of us will be able to fight it off at home, some of us will need treatment, and some of us will die. This is why it’s important to slow it down. If we can slow down the spread, which is the intent of the Shelter-at-Home orders spanning the globe, the doctors & nurses will be able to treat those who develop more acute symptoms. If we don’t slow it down, and we all get sick at once, the health care system will collapse, and people will not be able to get the treatment they need - for COVID-19, a broken leg, a snake bite, an asthma attack, a stroke, anything. THIS is why we are being asked to stay at home. THIS is why the world is cancelling everything. To give our health care workers a fighting chance.

I feel a lot of fear in the collective. Let’s not focus on that. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear causes a stress response in the body, and stress causes sickness. Acknowledge the fear, my darlings, but don’t let it eat you up. These are strange times, but this is not the Apocalypse. This is not the end of the world - this is the beginning of a new one.

I believe that we are in a metamorphosis. Not dissimilar to the hungry caterpillar, who doesn’t understand why, but after endless gorging, begins to cocoon himself anyway. After some quiet time alone in the dark, letting go of all he once was, he emerges, brand new, unrecognizable. Bigger and brighter and more powerful than before. Able to support and sustain life far beyond his own, through his newfound powers of flight and pollination.

I believe that this slow-down, and the distances we are being asked to keep, are ultimately offering us the opportunity to reassess. To pay attention. To listen to nature, and each other. To ask the hard questions. To be reminded of what is most important as a global community. And ultimately, to transform.

It’s gonna be a minute before life looks anything like “normal” again. So take a deep breath, slow down, go within, feel the feels, and get ready for a marathon. For the first time, in maybe forever, the world is united around a common concern, a common challenge, and I do believe we can rise to meet it. We can do hard things.

I have created a resource list, that I will update regularly….
Wanna know the straight facts about the Coronavirus? How to file for unemployment? Where to buy food? How to support your local community? How to keep your now-homeschooled kids entertained? Would you like to listen to healing songs & prayers from Indigenous peoples around the world? It’s all there. From my heart to yours.

Please CLICK HERE and feel free to share this resource widely.

And remember… I love you, lots of people love you, and we are all in this together. Much Love, y’all. We can do this. xo